Bright Beginnings Milk-Based Organic Infant Formula with DHA – 25.75 oz can

Bright Beginnings Milk-Based Organic Infant Formula with DHA - 25.75 oz can
Bright Beginnings Milk-Based Organic Infant Formula with DHA – 25.75 oz can

Product Description
The First Organic National Brand Baby Formula made in Vermont and certified organic in accordance with USDA regulations, Bright Beginnings ORGANIC is produced without:*Potentialy Harmful Pesticides*Added Growth Hormones*AntibioticsBright Beginnings ORGANIC provides the benefits of the lipids DHA and ARA, nutrients naturally found in breast milk essential for babies’ mental and visual development. Our baby formula meets the recommendations of the World Health Organization for DHA and ARA (1). Benefits of DHA & ARA in Baby Formula DHA and ARA occur naturally in mother’s milk and belong to a class of nutrients called lipids, or fats. Lipids are an essential part of a healthy diet because they are important structural components of vital organs, particularly an infant’s brain and eyes. Interest in DHA and ARA has increased following several scientific studies showing that infants fed formula supplemented with DHA and ARA gained intellectual and visual benefits not found in infants who were fed standard formulas without DHA and ARA. In fact, studies have indicated improvements in mental and visual development, problem solving skills, and IQ tests for infants fed formula with the lipids DHA & ARA *Is made in Vermont and certified organic in accordance with USDA regulations*Is produced without pesticides, added growth hormones, or antibiotics*Provides nutrients in levels recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the largest organization of pediatricians dedicated to the health and well-being of infants and children*Provides nucleotides in levels like breast milk to bolster immunity*Contains a vegetarian blend of fats similar to breast milk to aid in absorption of important minerals like calcium*Has more of the easily-digested whey protein, like breast milk

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